Stephen Decatur Johnson was a wonderful, loving husband, father, grandfather and friend. Steve grew up in Lexington, Massachusetts and graduated from Lexington High School. After briefly attending Boston College, Steve joined the Army and was sent to the Army Language Training Center in Monterey, California to study Korean. Steve lived in Korea as a linguist and intelligence officer and this experience had a profound impact on his life.
After the Army, Steve studied Far East Asian Studies at the University of Washington and then went on to get a law degree at George Washington University. He had a variety of interesting jobs in his life -- from being a security guard to painting cars to working for the Department of Commerce, doing immigration law and then family law with his partner/wife of 40 years, Deborah Luxenberg.
What truly defined Steve was his love for his family and the way he connected to everyone he met. He was the father of Stephanie and Alexa, the husband of Debby, the grandfather of Quinn, Ian, Liam and Zoe and the father-in-law of Stephen Dexter and William Riley and brother of Noel Klapper (Steve). He was a beloved uncle, cousin and friend to many.
Steve loved to travel and experience new cultures and meet new people. But just as fiercely, he loved sitting at his kitchen table in Takoma Park Maryland drinking coffee, reading the paper and talking to Deb. Steve loved the Takoma Park community and was often seen sitting outside, waving to neighbors and watching the neighborhood kids play in the street. Although he never officially converted, Steve felt a strong spiritual connection to Judaism and to Israel that was closely linked to his love for Debby.
Steve had a quirky sense of humor and love of kitsch, demonstrated by his solar toys, Dolly Parton t-shirts and teletubby collection.
In 2011 Steve was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease but he didn’t let that slow him down. He continued to travel, visiting his family all over the world, going to plays with Deb, and attending every family event from bar mitzvahs to weddings to his grandchildren’s sports events and graduations. In more recent years, his community expanded to include dancing and boxing with other people with Parkinson’s. These activities and relationships helped him maintain a good quality of life and mobility for a long time.
Everyone who met Steve was touched by him -- by his calm, gentle manner, by his occasional irreverence, his beautiful eyes and charming smile. While he will be missed greatly, we take comfort in thinking of him in Teletubbyland sending us all a Big Teletubby Hug.
Donations in his memory can be made to:
Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinsons
By credit card:
By check RSB Montgomery County, 15213 Display Court, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Bowen McCauley Dance Company’s Dance for Parkinson’s Disease
Or by mail: 818 N. Quincy Street, Suite 104, Arlington, VA 22203.
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Rock Steady Boxing for Parkinsons15213 Display Court, Rockville, Maryland 20850
Bowen McCauley Dance Company’s Dance for Parkinson’s Disease818 N. Quincy Street, Suite 104, Arlington, Virginia