Ida Juanita Moon was born on January 17, 1935 in Texarkana, Arkansas to Loy J. and Iris Lillian Moon. She was 79 when she passed on July 11, 2014, with her family by her side in San Diego, California.
Ida worked for over thirty years as a certified nurse’s aid, helping many people night and day. She is the beloved mother to three boys, Thomas, Walter and Michael; raising them mostly on her own and instilling in them the need for truth, honesty, forgiveness, love and having God in their lives.
Ms. Moon is also survived by her baby brother Walter (Buddy) and loving daughters-in-law Maleka, Leah and Jessica. She has seven grandchildren, Thomas James (Jimmy Tom), Stephen, Robert, Chris, Heather, Sean and Tamara; also ten great-grandsons, five great-granddaughters and one great-great-grandson. Ida has many who will miss her dearly and remember her always as a beautiful, intelligent and giving Lady.