Christopher Minton Gustafson, affectionately known by his family and friends as Gus, passed away in Salem, Oregon, on August 18, 2022, after suffering a brain aneurysm. Born in Prineville, OR, June 26, 1952, his family moved to Salem in 1955, where he lived for the remainder of his life.
He graduated from South Salem High School in 1970 and later received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Western Oregon University. He established Evergreen Hearing Center in McMinnville, OR, in 1978, retiring in 2020 after serving the Central Yamhill Valley community for 42 years.
He was active in Lions Club, serving in various capacities, including his role as District Governor and Council Chairman. He was active in the Oregon Hearing Society and the International Hearing Society (IHS), serving as president of IHS from 2008-2010. Throughout his career he continued to render assistance to the professional hearing community in a variety of ways.
Chris enjoyed many hobbies. He especially excelled as a gourmet cook which was greatly appreciated by his family and friends. He loved all things outdoors—fishing, hiking and camping.
He is survived by his loving wife of 36 years, Meg Faudree Gustafson, his sons Brian, Shaun, and Nathan, and grandson Lincoln; sisters Maryla Fitch, Shelley (Jack) Wendt, and brother Fred Gustafson. He is also grieved by his many nephews, nieces, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, and numerous friends. Funeral Mass will be offered at Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 4227 Lone Oak Road SE, Salem, Oregon, at 11 am on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his memory to Oregon Public Broadcasting.