Jesus Norberto Martinez, 31 years old, lived in La Puente, CA since 2008. He was originally from Glendale, CA. Born to Norberto & Martha Martinez. He left us to be with our God on August 3rd, 2016 at approximately 3 am. He was surrounded by his parents, wife, sons and family. He was a man of many names. Some knew him as Jesus, Norb, Norberto, Beto ; others called him affectionately Norbie, Norbster, Norbiscuits, Norbetron, Norburger, Norbelini, just to name a few.
He had a great personality and was warm and friendly to everyone he met. Always had a smile on his face. To know him was to love him. Norb had a passion for life & enjoyed it to the fullest. He loved planning family getaways & vacations. He loved to have a good time. Some of his favorite pass times were karaoke and eating. He had quite the appetite and was a bona fide "foodie". He was also a huge car enthusiast, Motor Trend subscriber and an avid car show attendee. He was a great husband who loved his wife dearly and their two sons, despite not being their biological father he always treated them as if he was. In addition to being a wonderful man and human being, he really enjoyed his job. He looked forward to the challenges he would encounter and some of the famous clients he got to meet. He was very technical and thrived at problem solving. He leaves behind his father Norberto, mother Martha, wife Vira, children BJ & Aaron, brother Jonathan and family members who were dear to him (Olivia, Laco, Sofia, Jaime, JJ, Rosa, Hydee, Vero, Frank, Frankie, Eric, Randy, Raydean, Paco, Martha, Johnathan, Lulu, Ryan, Ernie, Andrew, Justin, Hope, Alex, Danielle and Bradley).
Our family is now missing a piece to our puzzle. He will be sorely missed.
Services will be held this August 28th Sunday, 2016 from 5 to 9 pm and Mass / funeral will be Monday August 29, 2016 at 10:30 am.
Arrangements under the direction of the Queen of Heaven Mortuary, Rowland Heights, CA.