Edward James Ennis entered the ultimate peace for eternity in heaven, on November 1, 2020. He was born on his mother’s birthday, Oct. 7, 1926 in Brooklyn, N.Y. to Florence Eloise Lamb Ennis and Edward Francis Ennis. His first nuclear family was completed when his brother Robert Thomas Ennis was born in 1931. Ed was married for 52 years to his beloved wife, Lauris Ueland Gundersen Ennis. Together they created and nurtured their strong, close family. They are survived by their son, Paul, and daughter-in-law, Eileen, daughter, Leslie, and son-in-law, Richard, grandsons, Paul (Jennifer), Jason (Angelinda), Daniel and Ryan, and great-grandsons, Jason, Luke, Connor, Cavan, Braden and Austin.
Ed was known by many loving names, Edward, Ed, Son, Mr. Ennis, Dad, Uncle Ed, Grandpa, Great Grandpa, Woody, Papa Ed, Special Ed, Big Ed, and T-Bone.
As a child, Ed attended Christ Church, also known as Church of the Generals, in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and sang as a choir boy in Manhattan.
Ed attended PS 104 in Brooklyn and was accepted into Townsend Harris High School, where he graduated at 16 years of age. He attended City College of N.Y. and was accepted into the V12 Program at 17 years of age, attending Yale University. He served in the U.S. Navy as a Lieutenant Junior Grade, as Officer of the Deck on the aircraft carrier the USS Philippine Sea, for three tours in the Mediterranean and Operation High Jump to Antarctica with Admiral Byrd.
After leaving the Navy in 1949, most of his career was spent in marketing and management. During his time at Westinghouse Electric Corporation, he was the Area Director for the Panama Canal Zone, responsible for corporate relations with the Canal Zone Governor during the power conversion project. While at Aeroject General Corporation, he was responsible for all waterjet activities. With the State of California, he was with the Energy Commission as Deputy Administrator for the Geothermal Energy and Fuels Office, and the Prison Industry Authority as Chief of the Marketing Branch.
Ed dedicated his retirement years to time with his family and helping Leslie, achieve her dream of creating and running A Touch of Understanding, Inc. (ATOU), a nonprofit agency. As of his passing, more than 120,000 schoolchildren have taken the pledge that Ed suggested, “I choose to be kind.”
Ed was a lifelong learner and enjoyed many activities including being with family, conversing, reading, writing, dancing, boating, fishing, camping, taking classes, photography, and hiking. In 2014 he completed his hike around Lake Tahoe.
When spoken of by family and friends, Ed is always described as loving, wise, kind, intelligent, thoughtful, and honest, with unquestionable integrity and unending humor. Family gatherings were always considered a success if Ed laughed so hard, he had to take off his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes. He was and will continue to be the ultimate role model for family and friends.
Ed lived his faith daily. He personalized the 23rd Psalm with the following words:
You, Lord, are my shepherd, I shall not want. You make me to lie down in green pastures where I may have nourishment for body and soul.
You lead me beside the still waters where I may find peace and refreshment.
You restore my soul through your forgiveness and give me a new beginning free from guilt and sin.
You lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake and give me Jesus’ footsteps to follow.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.
For you are with me. Your rod to correct me and your staff to direct me. They comfort me.
You prepare a place for me in the presence of my enemies to assure me of your protection.
You anoint my head with oil to claim me as your own.
My cup runs over with Your gifts.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in Your house, the house of the Lord, forever.
Ed shared his wisdom through his words both spoken and written. One of his many writings is:
“It is tempting to draw a parallel between humankind and the universe. For example, there are those among us who are the suns of society, radiating light and warmth, nurturing growth, and fulfillment. Others are planets, living in the sun’s reflection, but giving stability and order to satellites of their own. Then there are the black holes, gathering everything unto themselves, consuming all that comes within range and giving back nothing. Finally, there are the distant stars who, when long after their deaths, continue to glow across time and space and twinkle in the firmament of our hearts and minds.”
Ed has been called a hero, a lighthouse by many. He is now that distant star of which he wrote, his life continuing to glow and enlighten his family and friends for generations to come.
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Matthew 25:21
Please address memorial gifts to A Touch of Understanding, Inc. www.touchofunderstanding.org.