TRIMMER, Linda S., better known as "Nanny," 68, of Sandston, took her last breath on August 31, 2017, at home and surrounded by her loving family and friends. She leaves behind her children, Angie (Bryan) and Kenny Wayne; four grandchildren (who were the joy of her life), Kristen (Mitchell), Erika, Dustin, McKinley; one great-grandson, Clayton; and four younger siblings, Kay, Trina (Mike), Chris (Debbie) and Eddie (Jennifer). Though her family and friends will grieve her passing, Linda is going to join the loved ones who preceded her in death: the love of her life and junior-high sweetheart, Kenneth; her mother, Winnie; her stepfather, Edward Sr.; her father, Gordon; and will surely waste no time in finding and embracing her personal hero, Elvis, when she struts through those Pearly Gates. Linda was the type who always "had it her way" and leaves behind many fond memories and sad smiles on the faces of her New Point Campground friends, her Bowl America leagues, and all of the physicians, nurses and the many team members of Chippenham Medical Center and James River Hospice who gave her such comfort near the end of life. If she were here, Linda would ask that you cheer on the Redskins this season, and know that her loved ones will keep her "always on their minds." Linda's family invites you to attend her visitation at Nelsen Funeral Home on 4650 S. Laburnum Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23231, between the hours of 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 5. Services will be held 12 p.m. at the Nelsen Funeral Home chapel the following Wednesday, September 6, with a graveside service to follow in Washington Memorial Park.