Felix, known for his dedication and service, proudly served in the USAF from 1957 to 1959. He continued his passion for service through his career as a dentist, with a dental practice in Newport News 1960-65 and as a Professor of Dentistry at MCV from 1965 to 2015. He was a charter and active member of Huguenot Road Baptist Church, teaching Sunday School classes for 50 years and singing in the choir. He and his wife, Dotty, began the Bland County Dental Mission in 1979 and took a group of volunteers each year to assist with dental procedures and education.
He is survived by his children: Scott, Maria, and Gene; his cherished daughter-in-law Karen and son-in-law Bud; his 5 granddaughters; his brother Glenn, and 4 nephews. Felix was preceded in death by his beloved wife Dotty, his parents Felix and Ethel, and his sister Lois. He also leaves behind many true and dear friends.
Felix was a proud member of the Old Dominion Model A Ford Car Club and looked forward to attending the Antique Automobile Club of America show in Hershey, PA every Fall. He also enjoyed fishing and other outdoor activities in his free time. He was a talented artist and woodworker, as well.
A ceremony in honor of Felix’s life will be held at Huguenot Road Baptist Church on March 9 at 11 am. Woody Funeral Home in Henrico, Va. is assisting with the funeral arrangements.
In lieu of flowers, a memorial gift can be sent to Bland County Dental Clinic at 8487 South Scenic Hwy, Bland, Va., 24315
A special thank you goes to Lakewood Manor Health Center and MEDI Home Hospice for the exceptional care Felix received in the past months.
Felix will be dearly missed by all who knew him.