Paul Peter Carnevale Jr, also known as Big Paulie, passed away on October 10, 2023, in Providence, at the age of 59. Born on December 6, 1963, in Providence, Rhode Island, Paul lived life on his own terms, often unyielding to the opinions of others. His unwavering determination and strong-willed character were both his strength and his weakness. He is survived by his oldest son, Paul Peter III, his daughter-in-law, Christy, his grandson, Paul Peter IV, and his granddaughter, Julianna. His son, Michael, with his daughter-in-law, Alexandria, as well as his youngest son, Raymond. In addition, he is survived by his sisters Karen, Lori, Kimmy, and Yvonne, as well as his brother Kevin. Paul is also survived by eight nieces and nephews and fourteen great nieces and nephews. Paul was preceded in death by his mother, Yvonne, and his father, Paul Peter Sr. Known for his unique hobbies, Paul had a special routine that brought him joy. He would reach out to those he knew would answer the phone, asking them to bring him a cup of Dunkin' coffee and cigarettes. If he didn't get an answer on the first attempt, he would persistently call until he found someone who would answer. Paul Peter Carnevale Jr will be remembered for his unyielding commitment to living life as he saw fit. His family and loved ones will hold their shared memories close.