March 18, 2022 Phoenix, AZ 87years old
Lisa Montoya, Ralph Garcia, Anita Garcia, Susie (Richard) Sisneros and Angelica (Ernest) Gutierrez. 18 Grandchilden, 16 great Grandchildren and 2 Great Great Grandchildren, 4 sisters Margie Barrett, Esther Santa Cruz, Barbara Martinez and Angie Frias. 1 Brother Ernie Garcia. He is preceded in death by his Wife (Mary Helen Garcia), son Michael Garcia, Parents Santiago and Esther Garcia, Brother’s Richard, Jim, Alex and Johnny and 1 sister Carmen Blanco.
On March 18, 2022 he gained his wings and was surrounded by family. He was retired and enjoyed camping and fishing. He was always ready to go to the casino’s nearby and Laughlin. He was always so humble, kind, patient and one of a kind. Our beloved Dad you will be greatly missed so much. May he rest in eternal peace. We Love you!!
Visitation: 9:00 am-10 am, Rosary/Mass following at 10:00 am on March 31st 2022 at Resthaven Chapel 4310 E. Southern Ave. Interment to follow.