In the late afternoon of Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Pavel passed away peacefully at Elisabeth-Bruyère Hospital with his family by his side after a long and courageous battle. He did so with customary bravery, poised and dignity .He showed such humanity in adversity. He was an inspiration to us all.
He will be extremely missed by his loving wife Louise Larocque, sister-in-law Gisèle Larocque-Aubin, (Dr. Raymond Aubin) uncle to Eloïse Aubin Ferrier (Dr. Andrew Ferrier) and Charles Aubin and great-uncle to Stella Ferrier .
Pavel was born on October 12, 1947 in Benešov Czechoslovakia. He was the only child of George Skvor deputy member of the House of Commons in Prague and recognized as the official poet of Czech exile and Anushka Skvor (nee Vanista) an accomplished artist painter. The family moved to Montreal where Pavel obtained his B.Arch. at Mc Gill University, his M.Arch. in Urban Design at Harvard University. His professional achievements included: Project Architect at ARCOP Associates, Architects, Montreal, Quebec; Chief Architect, Demonstration Group to Acting Manager, Land Management Division, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Ottawa Ontario; and Vice President. Planning & Development, DCR/Phoenix Group of Companies, Ottawa Ontario.
Pavel knew that land development issues were at times endlessly complex but being a great communicator and having an incredible work ethic with an incisive wit and practical insight; it allowed him to strive to adopt a win win approach to negotiations under the principles of justice and fairness. Pavel showed his artistic soul and love of beauty through his landscape painting of Prague and architectural designs. He used to say: “You could not beat a traditional way of building.” His favorite hobby was working on his rose garden, while listening to any artist who as he used to say: “Could make their piano sing and dance.”
Pavel unrelentingly positive attitude awed us all through his battle with cancer. He will be remembered as a profoundly good human being, a gentleman with a gentle soul. He will be sorely missed by his family and friends.
The family would like to thank the staff and Dr. Michael Ong; oncologist at the Ottawa Cancer Clinic, Dr. Nina Ghosh; cardiologist at the Heart Function Clinic at the Queensway Carleton Hospital and the Elisabeth-Bruyère Palliative Care Centre for their good care and compassion.
There will be a private Celebration of Life at a future date. If you wish to make a donation in his Memory, please consider the Canadian Cancer Society or the Heart & Stroke Foundation.