Sr. Annemarie died peacefully at Cape Cod Hospital on Wednesday morning at the age of 89. Those who knew and loved her were greatly relieved that her suffering was over, that her frequent ambulance trips to the hospital were done, that her weakened heart had given out and she was freed to go on to her heavenly home.
Suezane, as she was known as a child, was born in Greenville, Texas. She attended Greenville High School and the Baptist church and earned her BS in Elementary Education from East Texas State University. After graduation she moved to Lamesa in West Texas where she taught second grade in Lamesa Elementary School. In 1952 she married George Norman, Jr. and they raised their two sons in Lamesa.
Years later they heard about “two women with a special ministry” from a traveling evangelist who visited their town. After attending retreats and spending some time at the Community of Jesus on Cape Cod where other people were moving to form a community under the direction of these two women, they felt called to move there. Suezane made her solemn profession in 1985 in what had become an ecumenical, Benedictine community.
Suezane invested herself in the young people of the Community, especially the girls whom she taught to be proper young ladies. Their Aunt Suzie taught them to cook, to present a meal, to arrange flowers, to be socially at ease, to have self-respect and a living faith in Jesus. She became a retreat leader and a wise counselor, sharing her maturing experiences of faith in Jesus Christ.
After an inner struggle she accepted a call to become a Sister and entered the Convent at the Community at age 75 in 2007, where she spent the rest of her life caring for younger sisters.
Sr. Annemarie is survived by her two sons; Paul, a Brother at the Community of Jesus; and Luke and his wife Susan of Georgetown, Texas; two grandchildren, Kyle and Julie; and two great-grandchildren, Connor and Audrey who were the love of her life.
Due to Covid-19 the funeral and burial will be private. In lieu of flowers, Sr. Annemarie wished to have memorial gifts be set to Bethany Convent, Box 1094, Orleans, MA 02653.