Erin Elaine Malone 40, of Jenks, OK perished Monday July 17, 2017. Erin was born October 1, 1976 and was the precious wife of Matthew Van Horn, beloved daughter of Randy and Nancy Malone, loyal sister to Scott Malone, and center of the universe to her children, Lauren, Zachary, and Samantha Van Horn. She was an incredible aunt and a soft place to fall for a multitude of friends and family. Erin grew up in Oklahoma City, attended Bishop McGuinness HS, and graduated from OU with a BS-RT. She was a treasured member of Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Erin’s profession was as a sonographer, but her delight and passion, was her children and friends who knew her as fiery, loving, loyal, and fun-loving. She was essential to her family. Erin is survived by her husband, Matthew, her daughters, Lauren and Samantha, her mother Nancy Malone, brother Scott Malone, mother-in-law Jan Van Horn, and brother-in-law Chad. Her friends that survive are as numerous as they are dedicated and loving. She was joined in death her “Z-man”, Zachary. She was preceded by her father, Randy Malone and her father-in-law, Gary Van Horn.
Zachary “Z-man”, “Tiger” Van Horn was born October 11, 2006 and passed heartbreakingly soon on July 17, 2017. Zach was 10 years old and attended Jenks West School. He lived in Jenks, OK where he excelled at well…everything from sports to being an attentive friend and big brother. This young man was a sportsman, outdoorsman, and an excellent buddy. He especially excelled at being a big brother to Sammy who he protected, inspired, loved and supported. He was there when she fell down… Zachary is survived by his father and wingman, Matthew Van Horn, his sisters Lauren and Samantha, his grandmothers, Nancy Malone and Jan Van Horn, and so, so many aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. He was a non-stop, energetic fireball with a tender and compassionate heart. He joined his mother, Erin Van Horn in Heaven and was preceded by his grandfathers, Gary Van Horn and Randy Malone. So many treasures loved and lost for this family and community of friends.