An artist with an incredible range of talents: she designed and sewed the costumes for Theatre Under the Stars, she understood the flow and movement of material, the pattern making and hand stitched construction. Dorothy was able to sketch San Francisco streets in ink, make dolls that heralded back to a day of old, watercolours and oil paintings she mastered each time she tried.
A business woman as well, managing the CN Tower’s Gift shop and training young sales people to be successful, this gift with young people continued as she lead the CandyStripers of Lions Gate Hospital for many years.
Married twice but widowed early, Dorothy is survived by her niece and nephew, Claudia and John Douglas.
With a life long connection to the Konkin/Dunham family, her ‘almost’ daughters, Tanny and Jody, provided the support she needed to enjoy the freedom of living on her own until the age of 98.
Everyone thanks Charity ~ care companion extraordinaire ~ for loving Dorothy like a daughter as well.
And to the patient, supportive staff (and other residents) at MAISON (AMICA Lions Gate) who helped support this “firecracker” at the end ~ many, many thanks