Many friends and acquaintances will fondly remember Barbara, perhaps having met her at the Tilley Vancouver Store or at a DeMolay or Job’s Daughters function.
“As for me, I’ve had a good life; a great hubby, John (we met 63 years ago), splendid children Jeff and Nikki (James) and grandchildren Emma and Charlie. Initially trying nursing, my careers included banking and securities, and for 30-odd years, the family Tilley Endurables store in Vancouver.” (Barbara’s introduction letter to just-found brother Jim in 2012.)
“We are so happy that you guys pretty much had a full lifetime together and probably most of the time were very much in love. You gave us 2 fantastic kids you can be very proud of. And your grandchildren are totally incredible.” (Cousins Max, Ella, Meghan and Yury)
People visiting the store were charmed by Barbara’s down-to-earth friend-making personality and wit. Family and staff unconsciously copied something special and we all became “Barbaras”.
“Barb was one of the best bosses I’ve ever had” (Yukiko)
“The 12 years I worked at Tilleys were the best years and also the best job I ever had. Your mom was a lovely person.” (Audrey)
John was constantly encouraged by her forgiving support of his many projects; “let’s build a boat”.
Barbara’s family included her sister Marilyn (Ken), brother Jim, in-laws Alex Tilley and Hilary Clark Cole, and many beloved relatives too numerous to mention, except for Janet.
Our heartfelt thanks to the many fine members of the Medical Profession, Drs. Samborski, Mak, Shokravi, Amiri, Mainra and others. Our wife/mom’s last weeks were under the amazing care of Vancouver Coastal Health’s Palliative Care Team, and we would like to thank them, and in particular Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Honey, all of whom took a personal interest in Barbara’s well-being.
Our community is blessed to have Lions Gate Hospital and St. Paul’s Hospital. Their outstanding staff provided such splendid support, especially during these difficult COVID times.
Photo on the right courtesy of Paul McGrath, North Shore News