Natalie Rozier, a beloved wife, mother, sister and daughter originally from Chaplin SC, passed away Friday, May 26, 2017 after an extended, and aggressive fight with cancer. She is the daughter of the late Nathan Anderson and the late Barbara Dickert Campbell. She leaves behind her husband, Charles Rozier II, two sons Charles III, (Addy), and Joshua, and a granddaughter, Emma, from Josh and his wife Kelli. In addition she leaves two sisters, Lisa Burson of Mt Pleasant, and Lynn Brookman of Chapin, and father and mother in laws, Charles and Millie Rozier of Hanahan, and numerous nieces and nephews who will all miss her dearly. Services will be Tuesday at 2:00 at Carolina Memorial Funeral Home, 7113 Rivers Ave., North Charleston, SC 29406 (843)797-2222,burial follow at Carolina Memorial Park, her visitation will be held at 1:00 at the funeral home. Online condolences to the family can be made at