Known to his mother as Bobby, he lived in Acushnet for most of his life. After attending New Bedford High School, he joined the U.S. Army and was stationed in Kansas. He married Kathleen Machado upon his return.
Bob worked at Acushnet Company and later the USPS for almost thirty years. He had a strong passion for the New England Patriots and Boston Red Sox, and the Lord of the Rings. He enjoyed his grandkids, movies and TV and earlier in life, hunting, fishing, and his motorcycle.
Bob is survived by two sons, Raleigh and his wife Sarah of Quincy and Russell and his partner Adam Ferbert of Cranston; two grandchildren Emmett and Willa Dugal; his mother Florence Dugal; siblings Thomas Dugal, Joanne Sherman and Claire LaBrode; and many beloved nieces, nephews, and their children.
He will be buried in Pine Grove Cemetery with his wife. A celebration of life will be held on Wednesday, August 10th from 4-7pm at the VFW Post 7239, 28 Roosevelt St in Acushnet.