James Hamilton Pickens, beloved son, brother and friend, born May 12, 1993, departed this life on June 24, 2018. He is held in the loving arms of his grandparents, David Richard (Grandaddy) and Mary Harriet (Mimi) Pickens; and Varney Stuart (Poppa) and Marian Kissock (Granny) Ward.
Broken hearted at this loss are his parents, Robert Manning and Elizabeth Ward Pickens; brother and sister in law, Ward Manning and Rebecca Lynn Pickens; his beloved dogs, Bentley and Linus; and his many aunts, uncles and cousins.
James was a member of Saint George’s Episcopal Church. He was a member of Boy Scouts Troop 31, receiving the Order of the Arrow and earning the rank of Eagle Scout.
James was employed in the catering department at Vanderbilt University where he applied his love for cooking. He was a treasure trove of information, able to expound with details and facts that spoke of his inquisitive nature and voracious appetite for any subject.
He was the gentlest of souls, who loved deeply and unconditionally. His love for all animals, especially dogs, speaks to his pureness of heart. Friends and family know of his goodness and gentle artistic nature and will miss so very deeply this beloved soul.
A memorial service will be held Thursday, July 5th, 1:30 pm, with visitation at 12:00 pm at Saint George’s Episcopal Church, 4715 Harding Road, Nashville.
Donations in James’ honor may be made to the JDRF at http://www.jdrf.org/midtennessee/