Age 72
From Montague, MI
Born October 14, 1947 in Detroit, MI
Died November 29, 2019 at home
Tom Graduated from Muskegon Community College with an associate degree, and Michigan State University with 2 bachelor degrees.
Tom retired from U.S. Fish & Wildlife in Ludington as a Fish Biologist. He then also worked as a Custodian at Fremont Public Schools.
Tom was preceded in death by his parents Charles & Lucille (Gardner) Hamilton, his in-laws Paul & Frieda (Noordhof) Gould, along with his Aunts and Uncles.
Tom is survived by his wife Janice (Gould) Hamilton aka The Cookie Lady, his Daughter Kimberly (Hamilton) Johnson, Son in-law Jason Johnson, 2 Grandchildren Makaila & Alec Johnson. He also leaves behind 2 sister in-laws, brother in-law and 3 nephews & their families, cousins and many friends.
Tom has done many great things in and around the community. In 1980 he put together an artificial fishing reef near the Muskegon Channel & Lake Michigan. It’s known as the Hamiltionreef. Tom is one of the founders and awarded a life member of the White Lake Area Sportsfishing Association. He has wrote and helped with many grants to better the community. One of the big projects was the Handicap Fishing Bridge over the White River at Covell Park in Whitehall. Tom has also built many bird houses for friends of the community. He has always enjoyed everything to do with nature which also includes hunting & fishing. Most of all his pride & joy was watching & hearing about all his grandchildren’s accomplishments.
The family is planning on a Celebration of Life for Tom at the Muskegon Conservation Club located at 1921 Lake Ave, North Muskegon Mi 49445 on March 14, 2020 from 2:00pm until 4:00pm.
Please no flowers… If you wish, Memorial contributions may be made to:
Michigan Crossroads Council Friends of Scouting or send to 3213 Walker Ave. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544.
Kiwanis International (their Salmon Tournaments for kid’s fishing)
Please just make note in Memory of Thomas Hamilton.
The family would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for the prayers & support through this difficult time.