Wallace Henry EllingtonFather (deceased)

Mable Johnson EllingtonMother (deceased)

Jackie Leslie MorelandHusband (deceased)

Leslie R. Moreland (Kathy)Son

Curtis G. Moreland (Joyce)Son

Betty M. NeasDaughter

Theresa M. Nichols (Mark)Daughter

Darryl W. MorelandSon

Shelia MorelandDaughter (deceased)

C. Ray EllingtonBrother (deceased)

Wallace Henry EllingtonBrother (deceased)

Virginia Viola EllingtonSister (deceased)

Dorothy May EllingtonSister (deceased)

She is also survived by 16 grandchildren, 41 great grandchildren, 7 great-great grandchildren and Terri Culbertson, her granddaughter/daughter that she raised.


Kevin Neas

Darryl Wayne Moreland, Jr.

Chris Moreland

Travis Williams

Bret Culbertson

Johnny Neas

Daniel Moreland

Nicholas Neas

Past Services

Sunday,July 17, 2022


Monday,July 18, 2022

Celebration of Life