If Ruben Aguirre-Martinez believed anything throughout his life, it was that anything is possible. Those who knew him also believed this adage when he was around, having seen all too often his ability to solve a problem. Some people are born with a particular talent, and for Ruben this was most likely true. When he was confronted with a difficult situation, he would develop an imaginative solution and often derived satisfaction from knowing he had such ability and confidence. Ruben was also known for his amiable personality, charisma, and ability to make you smile when you were down.
On January 16, 1973, he first greeted the world in La Piedad, Michoacán. His parents were Ramon Aguirre and Guillermina Martinez de Aguirre. Although born in Mexico, he grew up in the San Fernando Valley, but made Las Vegas his final resting place. Growing up for Ruben was an involving experience, which he often traveled back and forth between Mexico and California. He was raised with four siblings, one older brother, Adrian and one younger sister, Ana Elsa and two younger brothers, Ismael and Ramon. He had the best relationship with his youngest brother Ramon. Ruben's grandparents were Gregorio Aguirre and Guadalupe Negrete de Aguirre, and Jose Trinidad Martinez and Victoria Covarrubias de Martinez. He also had close relationships with some of his other relatives, uncle Trino and cousin Juan Carlos.
As a young boy, Ruben could be found playing baseball, basketball and flag football at the Sepulveda Recreation Center and Van Nuys Recreation Center in the San Fernando Valley. He was the athlete that was always selected to play on the all-star team; no matter what sport he played. In fact, he once won the basketball scoring title with the Rebels while playing at the Van Nuys Recreational Center. Playing games with his friends was always a great fun, especially when playing “Over the Line”, which is a modified game of Baseball when you only have 2-3 players on each team. As he reached his teenage years, he began to share his talent with other up and coming players. This love for the game, lead Ruben to take on the role of coaching little league at the Van Nuys Recreation Center. He was kind of the ZEN master of his time, he new the game.
Ruben was socially resourceful and an expressive person who was willing to try new things. These qualities drew a lively circle of friends around him. Some of those childhood friends were Salvador Serna, Meme Ayala, Oscar Ayala, and Manuel Mota. People who recognized that he was generous with his time and energy frequently sought him after and these same friends found Ruben’s company to be very stimulating. Ruben's humor and curiosity were contagious for those around him.
As he reached his late teens and early twenties, Ruben began to learn the responsibility of holding a job and commitment to doing it right. His supervisors always complimented his work ethic and willingness to go the extra mile, no matter what. His very first job he was as a busser at Denny’s. He later left that job and began working at a machine shop with his older brother Adrian and uncle Romeo, which the job entailed building parts for commercial and private planes. Although he enjoyed this type of work, he later realized that this line of work wasn’t for him. He missed that human interaction with various people and strangers. From early 1997 to 2001, he worked at Mi Piace as a server and barista.
At this point in his life, Ruben felt a need for change. So, one day he decided to pack up his bags and move to Las Vegas. He was optimistic that Las Vegas had more to offer and that opportunities in this town were endless. Shortly after arriving in Las Vegas, he landed a job at the Rum Jungle in the Mandalay Bay. Here he worked from March 2001-October 2004 as a lead server and bartender trainer. Seeing the opportunities in the bartending field, he decided and was determined to get his bartending license. After leaving Rum Jungle, he joined an amazing team at the Mix Lounge, located in the Mandalay Bay Hotel. While working for Mandalay he attended various courses and classes to acquire his bartending license, which he later did.
Although he obtained his bartending license, he felt the need to do more. In other words, he wanted to become his own boss. He restlessly looked and worked on many ideas to start his own business. He again attended several courses and classes, but this time these classes were geared toward getting certified to clean carpets. His mind was set… He was going to start his own carpet cleaning company. He went through the process and received all the certifications, permits, and purchased all the necessary equipment to get his business going. Days before his death, Ruben received his business license, which was the last piece he was waiting for. His business was called “Awesome Choice Carpet Care”.
Ruben was also known to be a pet lover. He had a strong affection for dogs, which his first dog was Shadow. When he moved to Las Vegas he had to make the hard choice to leave Shadow behind with relatives. However, he later found another companion to keep him company. His new best friend was Ruby, a female pit bull. Although a pit bull, Ruby had the same kindness and likable personality that everyone loved about Ruben. I guess dogs do take after their master, because it only takes a few minutes for you to fall in love with Ruby.
Ruben Aguirre-Martinez left us on May 31st, 2011. He passed away at Callville Bay Resort in Lake Mead, NV. He was 38 years old. The cause of death was drowning. He is survived by his parents, siblings, and dog Ruby.
During his lifetime, nothing appeared impossible to Ruben. The statement "it can't be done" was simply not an option for him. He was able to recognize the possibilities a new idea held, even when those around him could not. For him, the traditional way of doing things fell short of his expectations, especially if there were original and untested methods for overcoming an obstacle. For Ruben Aguirre-Martinez, the fun of living his life could be found in the memories of family and friends.
Biografia de Ruben Aguirre Martinez
Algunas gentes nacen con un talento en particular y para Ruben Aguirre Martinez esta era su virtud. Si Ruben creia en algo a lo largo de su vida, era que TODO ERA POSIBLE !!
Aquellos que lo conocian, sabian que mientras el estuviera a nuestro alrededor, creian tambien en su dicho: QUE TODO ERA POSIBLE ! pues a menudo eramos testigos de su habilidad para resolver problemas. Cuando era confrontado en una situacion dificil, el podia desarrollar en su imaginacion una solucion y a menudo tenia la satisfaccion de saber que el tenia la capacidad y confianza de enfrentar esos momentos dificiles.
Ruben tambien era conocido por su personalidad amigable, su carisma, por su habilidad de hacerte sentir mejor cuando uno se sentia mal, al final siempre te hacia sonreir.
En Enero 16, de 1973 LA PIEDAD, MICHOACAN, MEXICO le dio la bienvenida a Ruben a este mundo. Sus padres: RAMON AGUIRRE Y GUILLERMINA MARTINEZ DE AGUIRRE tuvieron la gracia de tenerlo en sus brazos por primera vez. Sus abuelos GREGORIO AGUIRRE Y GUADALUPE NEGRETE DE AGUIRRE Y JOSE TRINIDAD MARTINEZ Y VICTORIA COVARRUBIAS DE MARTINEZ fueron testigos de su crecimiento. Ruben fue criado junto con sus 4 hermanos. El mayor: ADRIAN, una hermana menor: ANA ELSA y sus hermanos menores: ISMAEL y RAMON, del cual se sentia mas apegado, su relacion entre ellos era muy especial. Aunque Ruben se llevaba bien con todos, llevaba una relacion mas cercana con su tio TRINO y primo JUAN CARLOS.
Crecer al lado de Ruben fue una experiencia inolvidable. El amenudo viajaba entre Mexico y California, pues le era dificil dejar el pais que lo vio nacer y el pais que le ofrecio nuevas oportunidades junto con su familia. De chico, a Ruben lo podiamos encontrar jugando "baseball", "basketball" y "flag football" en el centro de recreacion de Sepulveda y en el de Van Nuys, en el Valle de San Fernando. Ruben era un gran atleta y siempre era elegido para jugar "El juego de las Estrellas". No importa que deporte fuera, el siempre participaba. De hecho una vez gano el campeonato con el equipo de "Los Rebeldes" mientras jugaba en el centro recreacional de Van Nuys. Ruben siempre se divirtio con sus amigos, especialmente cuando jugaba "Sobre la Linea", que consiste en modificar un juego de baseball cuando solo cuentas con 2 o 3 jugadores de cada equipo.
Durante su adolescencia, el empezo a compartir su talento con otros jugadores. Este amor por el juego, lo llevo a ser entrenador de dos pequenas ligas: Yankees y Lakers en el centro de Recreacion de Van Nuys. El era como el "Maestro ZEN" de su tiempo, sabia bien el juego.
A Ruben le gustaba tratar cosas nuevas, era una persona muy expresiva y no tenia problemas socializando con la gente. Estas cualidades hizo un alegre circulo de amigos que compartieron esta parte de su vida, como Salvador Serna, Meme Ayala, Oscar Ayala y Manuel Mota por mencionar algunos. Las personas buscaban con frecuencia a Ruben, porque reconocian que el tenia mucha energia y era muy generoso con su tiempo y estos mismos amigos encontraban la compania de Ruben muy estimulante. El buen humor y curiosidad de Ruben era contagioso para todos aquellos que tuvimos la oportunidad de conocerlo.
Cuando Ruben llego a su juventud, Ruben comenzo a aprender hacer "RESPONSABLE", manteniendo un trabajo y el compromiso de hacer lo correcto. Sus superiores siempre lo felicitaban por su trabajo etico y por su dar siempre mas, de lo esperado.
Su primer trabajo fue en el restaurante Denny's como "busser" (limpiando mesas). Tiempo despues dejo ese trabajo y empezo a laborar con su hermano mayor Adrian y su tio Romeo en un taller de maquinas, en el cual construian partes para aviones comerciales y privados. Aunque Ruben disfrutaba este tipo de trabajo, el sabia que este trabajo no era para el. El extranaba el contacto humano, la interaccion con la gente. De 1997 al 2001 trabajo en " MI Piace" como mesero y barista.
En este punto de su vida, Ruben sintio una vez mas que necesitaba un cambio; entonces un dia decidio hacer sus maletas y emprender un nuevo rumbo.....se dirigio a "Las Vegas". El se mostro optimista que "Las Vegas" tenia mas que ofrecer y que las oportunidades en esta ciudad no tenian limites.
Ruben tambien era conocido por amar a los animales. El tenia una gran afecto por los perros, su primer perro se llamaba "Shadow". Cuando se mudo a Las Vegas tuvo que tomar una gran desicion de dejar a Shadow con sus familiares. Sin embargo luego encontro a otra gran compania y amiga llamada Ruby. Aunque Ruby era Pit Bull, conocidos por ser perros fuertes y bravos, Ruby tenia la misma candidez y simpatia que todos amaban. Creo que los perros si eligen a sus amos, porque solamente toma unos minutos para que te enamores de Ruby.
Un poco despues de llegar a "Las Vegas", Ruben consiguio un trabajo en el "Rum Jungle" en el Hotel "Mandalay Bay". El trabajo ahi desde Marzo 2001 hasta Octubre del 2004; como lider de los servidores y entrenador de los cantineros. Despues de dejar el "Rum Jungle" se unio a un equipo increible en el "Mix Lounge" localizado en el "Mandalay Bay", mientras trabajaba en el hotel; Ruben asistio a varios cursos y clases para adquirir su licencia oficial de Cantinero. Ruben estaba determinado a optener su licencia, la cual logro tiempo despues. Una vez que optubo su licencia de Cantinero, Ruben sintio la necesidad de ir por algo mas !!. En otras palabras, el queria ser su jefe !!
Sin descanso miro y trabajo en diferentes ideas para empezar su propio negocio. Una vez mas Ruben se integro a diferentes cursos, pero esta vez para optener la licencia para limpiar alfombras. En su mente estaba solo una idea: CREAR SU PROPIA EMPRESA DE LIMPIEZA DE ALFOMBRAS. Paso por todo el proceso de certificaciones, permisos y compro todo el equipo necesario para empezar su empresa. Dias antes de su muerte, Ruben recibio el ultimo regalo de su vida, que fue su liecencia para realizarce como empresario. Su empresa se llamaria: " AWESOME CHOICE CARPET CARE"
Durante su vida nada era imposible para Ruben !! La frase: "NO SE PUEDE HACER" simplemente no era una opcion para el. Ruben siempre estuvo dispuesto a reconocer las posibilidades de nuevas ideas, aunque las personas a su alrededor no lo creian posible. Para el, la forma tradicional de hacer las cosas, estaba por debajo de sus expectaciones, especialmente si habia metodos originales y aun no experimentos, estos serian aceptados por el con tal de superar un obstaculo.
Para Ruben, la diversion de vivir su vida se puede encontrar en las memorias de su querida familia y amigos.
Ruben Aguirre Martinez fallecio en Mayo 31st, 2011
A los 38 an~os de edad.
El fallecio en Callville Bay Resort en el Lago Mead, Nevada.
La causa de su muerte fue ahogo.
Le sobreviven sus padres y hermanos y Ruby
Arrangements under the direction of Palm Eastern Mortuary, Las Vegas, NV.