Don was born near Springfield, Ohio on April 25, 1931, during the depths of the Depression. Don’s fondest memory in his early years was playing cards with four older siblings. In his teens Don supported the war effort by working at a local grocery store with his mom. After the war, he served as a caddy at a local golf club, where his budding career as a pro-quality golfer was cut short by an accident that injured his eye.
After high school, Don served in the Korean War. After his honorable discharge, and anxious to get back to accounting, the occupation he loved, Don took courses at Pacific College of Business and graduated in 1956. He then lived and worked for the next 30 years as a financial analyst for companies such as Bendix and ITT Gilfillan in Los Angeles.
Don had two children whom he loved dearly – Alida and Don W. The happiest part of his life was the time he spent in retirement in Las Vegas, where he enjoyed the horse-racing at local sportsbooks by day and ballroom and country dancing by night. The friendships Don made then and later were important and memorable to him.
Don will be greatly missed by his family and friends. In particular, we will all remember how Don truly enjoyed conversation with us and the connection between us that it brought. In person, he would look you straight in the eye as he spoke, leaning in with much enthusiasm. The topic didn’t matter as long as a connection was made.
Given his love of Las Vegas, Don’s funeral and burial will be in the city that stole his heart. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Don’s favorite charities: Paralyzed Veterans of America and Easter Seals.