Brooke Ann Hawley, 17, of Las Vegas was tragically taken from her family on March 29th 2018. Brooke attended Centennial High School, she was a talented athlete in all sports she participated in, and a remarkable Soccer player with dreams of playing soccer in College. She was beautiful, intelligent, outgoing, and driven; the brightest light in any room. She is survived by; her loving parents Aaron & Rhonda Hawley, her sisters Heather & Ashlee Hawley, 3 cousins Huntyr, Frank, & Victoria, Aunts, Uncles and Grandmothers. Both of her Grandfathers preceded her in death. A celebration of life will be held in her honor on Sunday April 15th at 2pm in the Brunswick room, located inside of the Southpoint Hotel and Casino. In respect of the family, no media will be granted entry.
In lieu of flowers, The Hawley family has set up a fundraiser, “Brooke Hawley Memorial Scholarship”. The family asks that donations be given there to help fulfill Brooke’s soccer dreams of playing soccer in college by helping other Las Vegas local female soccer players play soccer both recreationally and in college, in Brooke’s name. Due to the tragic loss of such a vibrant young lady with such a bright future for no reason, the family asks that you “Think before you drink, please do not drink and drive. It’s not worth losing your life or taking the life of another.