Juan Manuel Orozco Muñoz fue esposo, padre, abuelo y bisabuelo. Era un hombre de muchas virtudes. Era bromista. Hacía reír a todos. A todos los que se cruzaban con él los bautizaba con un apodo. Tenía humildad y amor para dar. Siempre estaba ayudando a alguien arreglándoles el carro o regalándoles un taco. Mi padre albergó y cuidó a muchas personas que luchaban por encontrar su camino, ya sea por sus viajes migratorios o por las dificultades de perder un trabajo, una casa o un familiar. Sus puertas, como su corazón, siempre estaban abiertas, por eso muchos lo consideraban una figura paterna. Mientras recordamos una de sus canciones favoritas, Un Puño de Tierra, seamos felices hoy, recordemos los momentos que nos reímos con él y encontremos la felicidad en la vida ya que eso es lo que él hubiera querido que hiciéramos.
Juan Manuel Orozco Muñoz was a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a great-grandfather. He was a man of many virtues. He was a jokester. He made everyone laugh. He baptized everyone he came across with a nickname. He had humility and love to give back. He was always helping someone by fixing their car or providing a taco. My father sheltered and cared for many people who were striving to find their way, either via their migratory trips or the hardships of losing a job, a home, or a family member. His doors, like his heart, were always open, which is why many considered him as a father figure. As we recall one of his favorite songs, Un Puño de Tierra, let us be happy today, remember the moments we've laughed with him, and find happiness in life since that's what he'd want us to do.