Cecil Lloyd BellFather (deceased)
Polly BellMother
Heather SmallegangeWife
Abigail BellDaughter
Martha and George DunaganSister & Brother-in-law
Marissa DunaganNiece
Frank SmallegangeFather-in-law
Fia SmallegangeMother-in-law
Alice Hennigar and her husband CraigSister-in-law
Corry SmallegangeSister-in-law
Donna Banting and her husband JimSister-in-law
Gerald Smallegange and his wife CorrieBrother-in-law
Skylar HennigarNiece
Bailey HennigarNiece
Emily SmallegangeNiece
Ryan SmallegangeNephew
Connor BantingNephew
Paige BantingNiece
Madison BantingNiece (deceased)