Margaret was born November 2, 1928 in Charlton County, Georgia on a farm near Folkston, Ga. Her parents were John William Colson and Ernie Victoria Altman Colson. She was the youngest of seven children, with 5 brothers and 1 sister, Wilton, Paschal, Virgil, Shelton, Hurder and Virginia in order of birth. Margaret was the last surviving member of the family.
Margaret grew up during the “Great Depression” and World War ll. Things were tough during the depression. Her father, a skilled carpenter, got a job building ships at the Brunswick, Ga. Shipyards soon after the U. S. entered the war two brothers got jobs building aircraft for Lockheed in California and the other three entered service, all three in various branches of the army. One brother, Virgil, was trained as a pilot and flew B-24 heavy bombers. All the boys survived the war and returned home.
In 1942 the family (mother, father and two girls) moved to Waycross, Ga. They joined the First Baptist Church of Waycross. Margaret and her sister loved to sing and the First Baptist choir led by Mr. Guyton McLindon who was also the Waycross High School Band director was composed entirely of high school young people among whom was Pernel Roberts who later became somewhat famous as Adam in the TV show “Bonanza” and as “Trapper John” in another TV show. Margaret and Virginia joined the choir. Margaret had a lovely soprano voice and Virginia sang alto and they sometimes did duets in church.
Margaret attended and graduated third in her class from Wacona High School, Ware County, Georgia. Interestingly, graduation occurred between VE (victory in Europe) and VJ (victory in Japan) days. It was here that she met Harvey, her future husband. She and Harvey dated regularly during senior year and mostly by correspondence through college years. Both Margaret and Harvey dated other people during these college years.
Since their girls were living in Jacksonville Margaret’s parents moved to Jacksonville in early 1946 in order to be with them.
After graduating from college, Harvey took a job in Jacksonville and he and Margaret saw each other practically every day for two years. They were married on June 1, 1951 Harvey was saved at age 16, just after high school. He was baptized in the First Baptist Church, Waycross Georgia, largely because of the witness and testimony, in word and deed of Margaret.
While still attending business school, Margaret got a job at Merrill-Lynch, in those days known as “The Thundering Herd of Wall Street.” She was secretary for two executives, continuing for five years before marriage and five years after. Even though quite young at 17 years old, Margaret let her Christian values be well known. These wealthy and influential men respected her for that and foul language was not permitted in this office. Margaret was never interested in a career outside the home, choosing instead to be a dedicated wife and mother, a role which she filled admirably. Shortly before her first child, Kristen, was born she resigned and never returned to work except for a brief stint to train her replacement. As indication of the love and respect that her former boss had for her, he brought to her (in person) a white orchid on the evening of the day that Kristen was born.
Margaret was very talented in a number of ways, one of which was art. She could easily have become a commercial artist with proper training. She designed her own wedding dress which her mother then made—without a pattern. This dress was subsequently used as a wedding dress by her sister and one of her daughters. Taught by her mother, Margaret was a skilled seamstress and made many of her daughters’ and granddaughters’ clothes. She also knew how to shoot a rifle. WARNING!
Margaret and her sister joined the First Baptist (Jacksonville) choir shortly after joining the church. Even though she was a teenager with her beautiful and strong soprano voice she was able to contribute and became a soloist singing hymn arrangements, gospel songs and more difficult music such as “Messiah” solos. She loved the choir and continued serving there for seventy one years until the infirmities of age and disease forced her to resign.
Margaret began teaching fifth grade girls, nominally ten year olds, as a teenager when her brother, Shelton, who was a director of the “Junior” department asked her to try teaching a class of girls. She loved teaching the Bible and she learned to love the girls. She loved this so much that she continued for 68 years even while juggling duties of choir and homemaker and later that of child rearing for a growing family. She has touched the lives of literally hundreds of girls through the years, leading many of them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Many of the now ladies, some not so young, have expressed fond memories of being in her class. She has even taught children of girls that she taught earlier.
Margaret was always humble and was always willing to give others credit whether it was due or not.
Margaret loved her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, First Baptist Church and her family. She has left an example that anyone would do well to follow. She lived a life of service to her lord, Jesus and to others, a life well lived. She departed this earth and met her savior face to face on December 25, 2022, Jesus birthday
Margaret has set the bar high as a dedicated Christian, an ideal wife and a wonderful mother. She can never be replaced and will be sorely missed here on this earth. She is now spreading joy in heaven with her beautiful smile and gentle spirit. She is survived by her husband, Harvey Gray. two daughters (and their husbands), Kristen Mock and Candace Macdougal, one son, Dane Gray (and his wife, Michelle), two granddaughters, Breana Keen and Lauren Dornbrock (and their husbands, Andrew and Tim respectively), two grandsons, Garrett and Grant Gray and one great grandson, Peregrine Dornbrock.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Gray family.