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Mary Jane MacDonaldMother (deceased)

John Alex KennedyFather (deceased)

John Ronald BeatonHusband (deceased)

Dan MacEachernSecond Husband (deceased)

Eileen BeatonDaughter

Gerard Beaton (Joanne)Son

Jerome Beaton (Andrea)Son

Bruce Beaton (Vina)Son

Gary Beaton (Susanne)Son

Carol BeatonDaughter-in-law

Peggy BeatonDaughter-in-law

Ronsie BeatonSon (deceased)

Steven BeatonSon (deceased)

She was a very loving, proud Grammie to twenty grandchildren, and three beautiful great grandchildren. She is survived by many nieces and nephews. Millie was the last surviving member of her immediate family, predeceased by four brothers Neil, Josie, Dougall, Jack, and five sisters Katie Anne, Dolly, Mendy, Sarah, and Madeline.


Inverary Manor72 Maple Strett, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0

Central Inverness Palliative Care SocietyP.O Box 610, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0

Past Services

Saturday,January 30, 2021

Funeral Mass