Affectionately known as Big Joe, Papa Joe or Uncle Joe to his many friends and relatives, he was born and raised in northern California, but he soon discovered the life of a surfer was not for him. He enlisted in the US Army shortly after graduating from high school in 1966. During his military career, including two tours of duty in Vietnam, Joe earned the Good Conduct Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Bronze Star Medal and the Vietnam Gallantry Cross. It was during one of his temporary assignments at Fort Benjamin Harrison (Indianapolis) in 1967 that his future life would be changed forever. He met, courted and married the love of his life, Deborah L. Kirkpatrick, a union that would last for 54 years. He cheerfully traded in his VW convertible and flip flops for a Ford Fiesta and a pair of work boots to become a transplanted Hoosier, a decision he would never regret.
Joe was a kind, gentle giant who loved sports from a very young age. He excelled in playing baseball in high school and on many travel teams in the Army. He carried his passion for sports throughout his life. He especially loved coaching his children’s various sports teams, including baseball, basketball, softball, soccer and volleyball, and it really didn’t matter if he knew how to play the game or not, such as soccer, he thoroughly enjoyed coaching and the thrill of playing the game. He was proud to volunteer for 20+ years in coaching, his lifelong quest was to make a difference for the kids. Later in life, Joe refined his ping pong and pool shark skills to a degree that he would shamelessly take your last $20 in a matter of minutes, if you weren’t careful. He never lost his competitive spirit nor his extraordinary sense of humor.
After leaving the military, Joe worked early in his career in the trucking and distribution business as a manager for various national carriers, such as McLean’s Trucking, Yellow Freight and Campbell’s 66 Trucking. He later moved into sales management with 3M Company introducing high-end copier machines to businesses and schools across Indiana. He finished his illustrious business career this past January retiring as a Senior Regional Property Manager for Kirkpatrick Management Company (KMC) after a 25-year career with the company. During his time at KMC he was often recognized for his many contributions to the company and its clients, including winning the company’s distinguished Spirit Award for being named as the Regional Property Manager of the Year.
Joe was born November 21, 1946, to Joseph D. and Frances Beatty. He is survived by his sister Ruth Ann Barnes who lives in Sacramento California; his brother Donald P. Beatty preceded him in death. Joe is also survived by his loving wife, Debbie (Kirkpatrick) Beatty, his two sons Joseph and Jason (Alejandro) Beatty, his daughter Michelle Beatty and his granddaughter, Anya Beatty. His son Matthew Beatty preceded him in death.
The family is having a Celebration of Life in his honor on Friday, July 30th, from 1:00 to 5:00 at the Knights of Columbus (Northside Social Club) on East 71st Street, Indianapolis, Indiana.
In Lieu of Flowers contributions can be made in his honor to: Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), 580 East Stevens Street, Indianapolis, IN 46203