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Joshua MuensterSon

Sarah MuensterDaughter

Jordan Wood and her husband PhilipDaughter

Delores MuensterMother

Alan Muenster and his wife ChristinaBrother

Sharon Esquivel and her husband EmilSister

Brenda Hernandez and her husband VirgilioSister

Shelley BertrandCompanion

Wilbert W. MuensterFather (deceased)

Jeremy EsquivelNephew

Jacob EsquivelNephew

Virgilio Hernandez IIINephew

Jacilyn EsquivelNiece

Isabella HernandezNiece

Mackenzie MuensterNiece

Lana MuensterMother of his Children

Past Services

Friday,October 11, 2019


Saturday,October 12, 2019

Celebration of Life Service

Saturday,October 12, 2019

Committal Service