Mary Lee (Davis) Carroll was gifted to George Davis and Dora Lee Wiley-Davis on February 22, 1950. As a young girl she was born and raised in Acres Homes, TX by her parents who cherished the Lord.
She then graduated from M.C. Williams High School in 1968. Early in life on December 20th, 1971, she married Sgt. Marius Steven Carroll who served in the United States Air Force with pride. Mary then had three beautiful girls named Aundrea, Cheletha, and Geneka. She took pride in caring for her family but is also known for her cooking, after starting her own family she held many positions.
Later in life she completed her course as a wonderful woman of God and departed with her wings on December 30, 2021. Preceding her in death were her parents, husband, and grandson: LaDarius Davis. Her warm smile and hugs will be missed by those who survive her including her daughters and a host of grand kids, great grand kids, nieces, nephews, and other family and friends.