He is survived by the love of his life, Cindy Lau. They met in Hong Kong, growing up in the same apartment building. They fell in love and were married in 1961. He is also survived by his sons Ted and Benny, daughters-in-law Kim and Anita, and 5 adoring grandchildren, Kristina, Michael, Krystal, Julia, and Sydney. He also leaves behind 9 siblings and their spouses, Mei and husband Deng; Patricia, Susan and husband Ed; David and wife Po; John and wife Fai; Peter and wife Judy; Paul and wife Christine; Doreen; Karen and husband Joseph, and 21 nieces and nephews.
Eric worked hard all of his life, starting at a young age to help his family. He continued to do so after getting married and moving his young family to New York City in 1966. There he worked tirelessly in the restaurant industry, working long hours to provide for his family. In 1979, he was able to fulfill his pursuit of the American dream by owning his first house in Houston, Texas. After a lifetime of hard work, he retired in 2001 for some well-deserved rest, but kept himself quite busy.
He continued to pursue his hobbies in music, photography, sports, and technology. He loved to socialize, and rarely missed an opportunity to do so, whether it was Mahjong, Dim Sum, dinner parties, or travel. Although never formally trained, he had amazing mechanical skills and put them to work often not only around his house, but also for family and friends. His retirement years were some of his happiest because he spent them with family, the thing he valued above all else. He will be forever remembered for his gentle soul, kind heart, and generous nature.
He would like to acknowledge his dear brothers and sisters, a constant source of love and support. A special recognition to his sister Karen, who was always there for him during difficult times and providing special assistance whenever necessary.
In addition, his 5 grandchildren would like to thank him for being the perfect doting grandfather, and they will forever miss their Yeh-Yeh.
我們親愛的劉福星在一九三五年十一月三十日出生於香港。 他在一九六六年移民到美國紐約市。 在一九七九年再移居到德省候土頓市。 於二零一八年五月十日晚上去世。
他遺下他的一生至愛劉余月仙。 他們倆個在香港相遇、在同一屋詹長大。 墮入愛河後就在一九六一年結婚。 他也遺下倆個兒子恒生Ted和恒斌Benny、媳婦Kim和Anita、五個愛孫Kristina, Michael, Krystal, Julia和Sydney。 他還遺下九個姐弟妹和他們的配偶、大姐美玉和姐夫鄧騰星、二妹如玉、三妹英玉和妹夫Eddie、二弟德星和弟婦陳如寶、三弟耀星和弟婦陳雪飛、四弟仁星和弟婦李慧貞、五弟國星和弟婦鄺素珍、四妹君玉、五妹伶玉和妹夫Joseph、和二十一個侄甥子女。
他一生努力工作、從小就幫忙掙錢補家計。 婚後和在一九六六年移民到美國後、更加不辭勞苦、勤奮不斷的在餐館業發展。 一九七九年他成功地在候土頓買下了第一間房屋、實現了他追尋的一個美國夢。 經過一生勤奮工作後、他終於在二零一一年退休、享受他當之無愧的休息。 雖然如此、他仍然是很忙碌的。
他繼續找尋各種業餘愛好、包括:音樂,攝影,運動和學習科技。 他喜愛交際、包括:打麻雀,飲茶,飯局和旅行。 雖然沒有受過正規機械訓練、但他精於普通居屋修理項目,不僅經常熟練地成功修理自家居屋麻煩、同時也很樂意幫忙親友去解決居屋修理麻煩。 他的退休生活是他最快樂的事情之一、因為他可以和兒孫們更多時間歡聚、這是他最響往的。 親友們永遠不會忘記他溫和,善心,和熱誠慷慨的性格。
他想感謝他親愛的姐弟妹、感謝他們不斷的愛護和支持。 特別感激他五妹伶玉、因為當他有麻煩和有困難的時候、她總是伸出援手去幫忙解決他的困難。