After earning her college degree in education, she went on to get her Master's in Guidance Counseling at the University of Houston. She also obtained her license in Marriage and Family Therapy.
After several years of teaching in several Houston high schools, she became the Director of Drug Education and Counseling for Houston ISD. She spent eight years in that position and after that went into private practice as a counselor. She was one of the many counselors that volunteered and went to New York City after 9-11 to assist with bereavement counseling. She also worked with military women with PTSD. She encouraged interfaith dialogues as chair of Unity Peacemakers at Unity Church. She obtained 35 years of sobriety with support of her friends at AA. She was active in the American Association of University Women, Landmark, and her book club.
She is survived by her son, Timothy Seo, her brother, David Clark, and her loyal companion, Lucas, her dog.
Flowers are kindly accepted but memorial contributions to Susan G. Komen are also a grateful alternative.