contact: Rick Ver Planck
Funeral phone:(702) 464-8440
Deceased name: Daniel Robert (Bob) Sheahan
Age: 86
Address: Henderson, Nevada
Date died: January 6, 2012
Occupation: Retired, Titanium Metals & Hard-Rock Mining
Visitation Monday, January 16, 2012 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM, followed by a Rosary at 6 PM, Palm Boulder Highway Mortuary 800 South Boulder Highway Henderson, Nevada 89015 (702)464-8440
Anyone wishing to speak about Daniel, will have time to do so at the Rosary.
Funeral Service Tuesday, January 17, 2012 10:00 AM Mass at St. Peters Catholic Church 204 Boulder Highway, Henderson, Nevada 89015
Graveside Service Tuesday, January 17, 2012 12:00 PM Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery Boulder City, Nevada 89005
Birthdate: February 15, 1925
Birth place: Las Vegas, Nevada
Years in NV: 86
Personal Info: Daniel, most commonly known as "Bob", was a dedicated husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He was married to Mary Francis Grows Sheahan on May 16, 1953, in Boulder City, Nevada. Mary passed before him in 1998, after 45 years of marriage.
Bob and his family own and operate Groom Mine and have since 1885, beginning with his grandfather, Patrick Sheahan. Groom Mine was one of the big loves of his life. He was also employed by Titanium Metals Corporation, (TIMET) for 31 years, having many positions over his tenure. He was a foreman and a supervisor in the Maintenance Department.
Bob and Mary and their family loved to hunt and fish, camp and sight see--especially seeing all the old ghost towns and mines throughout the west. Bob loved the great outdoors.
Family was the most important thing to Bob, above all other things. He spent a great deal of time with all who loved him and he will be missed dearly.
He was preceeded in death by his wife, Mary, his son, Arthur, his parents, Dan and Martha Sheahan and his brother, H. Patrick Sheahan.
He is survived by his daughter, Barbara Sheahan Manning, sons Daniel Robert Sheahan Jr., Benjamin Eugene Sheahan and Ben's wife, Theresa. He is also survived by his sister, Sister Barbara S. Sheahan, grandchildren, Elizabeth, Robert, Jessie, Ryan, Michael, Nora, Daniel III, Clarissa, Alicia and Christina. He is also survived by 15 Great-Grandchildren.