Hubert DunnFather (deceased)
Dorlene DunnMother (deceased)
Genia DunnSister-In-Law (deceased)
Ailene PowellAunt (deceased)
The DunnsGrandparents (deceased)
The WilsonsGrandparents (deceased)
James GilbertFather-In-Law (deceased)
Hazel GilbertMother-In-Law (deceased)
Mark GilbertBrother-In-Law (deceased)
Patty DunnWife Of 21 Years
Chris (Timothy Wilcots) HamblinStep-Son
J.E. DunnBrother
Rick (Jenny) DunnBrother
HomerFaithful Four Legged Companion
Mary Jo BrooksSpecial Friend
Shirley WilderSpecial Friend
As well as a host of nieces, nephews, and neighbors
special family and friends, whom the family wishes to thankActive Pallbearer