Mr. Higginbotham is survived by his companion, Beth Foley; his children, Jennifer Higginbotham, Maggie Higginbotham, Joey Higginbotham, James Higginbotham, Sarah Higginbotham and Angie Higginbotham; his sisters, Deb Hall, Inga Olson, JoDeane Buren, Delores Locke, Leah Braton and Nina Hill and his brothers, Charles Higginbotham, Jack Travis, Jonas Travis, Bill Travis, Dick Tavis, Terry Travis, Harvey Moore, Ronnie Moore, Frank Moore and Harold Steve Smith. The lights of his life were his grandchildren, Mikaela Higginbotham, Sophie Higginbotham, Nate Leffingwell, Cassie Leffingwell, John Paul Leffingwell, Millie Higginbotham, Darcie Higginbotham, Bonnie Johnson, Inarah Higginbotham, Adelaide Higginbotham, Willow Higginbotham and Ember Ball. Joe was preceded in death by his parents, Charlotte Lee Brown and Joseph Higgibbotham, II and his daughter, Cindy Higginbotham.


Bikers Against Child Abuse River Valley ChapterP.O. Box 180995, Fort Smith, AR 72901


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