Hope lived a full and healthy life until her recent death where she was surrounded by her loved ones. She made a huge impact on her family, friends and everyone she came in contact with. She will be terribly missed but we all have so many wonderful memories of our time together with her…memories that will last a lifetime.
Hope was passionate about two important organizations: The UCSF Memory and Aging Center and her local Elks Club which raises money to address the unmet needs of children with disabilities.
~ In lieu of flowers ~
Please see the information below to donate to one of these worthwhile causes:
UC San Francisco Memory and Aging Center
Mail: Please make checks payable to “UCSF Foundation”.
In the Memo line please note, “In Memory of Esperanza Vasquez for: B1871 MAC”.
UCSF Foundation
Lockbox 45339
San Francisco, CA 94145-0339
Web: https://memory.ucsf.edu/about/support-us
Scroll down to Make a Gift and fill out the form as directed making sure to donate in Memory of Esperanza Vasquez
Alameda Elks Lodge, #1015
Web: https://chea-elks.org/
Select CA-Hawaii Elks Major Project - Donate Now button
Select Make a Donation to CHEMPI
Choose Donation Type - Credit to Lodge
Select Donation Amount
Select Lodge Receiving Credit - Alameda #1015
Complete your donation information
Lastly: Be sure to select type of donation as Memorial and enter Hope Vasquez, Honoree