The son of James Barron and Mary Caroline Edwards, Paul was born on October 30, 1947, in Madison, Wisconsin. He was baptized and confirmed at Midvale Lutheran Church in Madison, Wisconsin. In High School, he participated in theater and was inducted into the International Thespian Society.
At the age of 18, Paul enlisted in the United States Marine Corps as a Private. While stationed at Quantico Marine Base, Quantico, Virginia, he trained at Indian Head, Maryland, in Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD). Paul served two tours of duty in Vietnam as an EOD Technician and earned a Bronze Star. In December 1969, he completed his second tour and decided to reenlist in the Marine Corps.
While Paul was stationed at Quantico Marine Base, he met Marcella Thompson at the Enlisted Club. Since they were both from the Midwest and Lutheran, she invited him to church, and they began dating. On January 30, 1970, Paul married Marcella Jean Thompson at Zion Lutheran Church in Hoffman, Minnesota.
After applying for an acceptance in the Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program (NESEP), Paul graduated from Perdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, in 1974 with a degree in Business Management. Upon graduation, Paul was promoted from the rank of a Staff Sargent to a Commissioned Lieutenant. In 1979 he attended the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, and graduated with a Master's Degree in Accounting. He valued his service highly, and by the time he retired, he had attained the rank of a Captain.
Involving himself in the lives of his four children, Paul became a soccer coach and referee, Boy Scout Leader, and Director. He brought them into his love for the theater by having them climb around in the rafters, adjusting lights, and participating as extras in several productions.
As a Boy Scout National Capital Area Council Leader, in 1993, he earned the Silver Beaver Award, a distinguished award given to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service.
Paul is survived by his wife, Marcella Edwards, two daughters, Jennifer (Jon) Schewe and Jochelle Clyburn; two sons, Jonathan (Heather) Edwards and Jeremiah Edwards, as well as seventeen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren
He was preceded in death by his parents, James Barron and Mary Caroline Edwards, and his only sibling James Charles Edwards.