She joins her daughter, Connie Swanson, who departed this life in 2016, and is survived by sons, Tommy Gargrave (Dayton OH), Craig Criswell (Xenia OH) and daughter, Cindy Hayden (Waynesville), 16 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Family and friends gathered to celebrate her 103rd birthday just a few short months ago. Mom was born in the year 1920 in Peebles OH to Anna Elizabeth and John Ward and was 1 of 5 children. By age 11 both of her parents had passed away (her father of a heart attack and her mother of cancer), and she and her 4 siblings were separated and placed in different homes. Mom was placed in the Greene County Children’s Home, where she lived for 3 years. At the age of 14, she was adopted by Edith and Elmer Compton and went to live with them on their farm in Spring Valley OH. They were good, religious, strict, but loving parents. On the farm, she learned how to cook, clean and iron. And, oh how she loved to iron! Mom’s kids and grandkids certainly benefitted from this love as they never had to be concerned about whether they had clean, pressed clothes to wear, because Mom ironed everything! In fact, it took more than one grandchild to convince her that it was not cool to have creases down the front of their jeans.
Mom adored her adoptive Father, Elmer. He taught her how to take care of their farm animals. But he played a bigger, more important role in her life. In her own written words: “My precious father read the bible to me every night. He was a real Christian. Dad was the best influence in my life”.
Mom attended Spring Valley High School (Class of ’39) and was a member of the school Choir as well as a member of the Cheerleading squad. Her love of music began during her high school years and continued throughout her life. She was never happier than when she was listening to Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennet, Doris Day or any Big Band music. Those songs, sung by her grandson, Adam, brought her much comfort during her last year with us.
Mom went on to graduate from Miami Jacobs in the early ‘40s where she studied typing and shorthand. These skills prepared her for future jobs at McCall’s, as well as National Cash Register (NCR).
She was a stay-at-home Mom during her 4 children’s growing up years, instilling in them the values taught to her by her adoptive parents.
But, probably her favorite position was with the legal firm of Brandabur, Campbell, Finley, Johnson, McCormick, Weckstein, and Beard in Xenia OH. She loved that job and was very fond of the men she worked for, from 1970 – 1985. They also thought highly of her, both as a person and as an employee. When she decided it was time for her to retire, she turned in her notice of retirement to the firm. It was returned to her stamped “DENIED”. Up until just a few months ago, she would often recite the names of the 7 partners, as though she was still at the office answering the phone. Staff members at Bethany Village can attest to this, as many of them can now recite the litany of names from memory.
Mom was a writer of poems and kept a daily diary of thoughts and activities spanning decades. No piece of paper…no matter how small or tattered, escaped her written thoughts. She also wrote notes on both wall and purse-sized calendars documenting her daily thoughts. She saved these calendars (which fill a large plastic tub), and now, if ever there is a question as to when a family event took place, all we have to do is go back to Mom’s notes. It’s like having a family history book to refer to.
Mom lived by the Golden Rule and treated everyone with kindness. She taught her children the value of hard work often saying “you don’t quit when you are tired, you quit when the job is done”. She also believed that cleanliness is next to Godliness. And, she knew how to stretch a dollar.
Mom was a member of this Church since 1953. And, was known for her beautiful rendition of The Lord’s Prayer, which she sang at many weddings, including her own children’s weddings.
Her 4 children, 16 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren will miss her terribly, but we know we will be okay. We were blessed to have her with us for so many years. So blessed also that she lived long enough for our children’s children to have the fond memories of spending time with her. They will be able to tell their children stories about Great-Grandma and what a wonderful person she was: how she took such pride in her appearance with her dangle earrings, bracelets, scarves around her neck, and high heels. Most importantly they will know firsthand, what we all know to be true: what a truly special person she was.
A memorial gathering for Edna will be held Wednesday, July 19, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM at Greenmont-Oak Park Community Church, 1921 Woodman Dr, Kettering, OH 45420, followed by a memorial service at 11:00 AM.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Holland family. In lieu of flowers or other tributes, we would request a donation to Greenmont Oak Park Church,1821 Woodman Drive, Kettering OH 45420.