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Mother and Stepfather: Rosa C.Villarreal and Abel Villarreal Brother: Armando Enemencio (Lupita) Johnson Sisters: Julie J. (Israel Lara) Garcia Martha J. Garcia Nephew whom she raised as her own: Rudy Ruiz Goddaughter: Lydia Benavidez Companion Frank’s children whom she cherished like her own: Angela Cabrera, Michael Huerta and Josh Huerta along with their families 12 nieces and nephews: Marina Garcia, Javie Garcia, Emily Martinez, Daniah Martinez, Makayla Tamez, Carter Garcia, Jose Luis Johnson, Jr., Elva Marie Johnson-Celestino, Rechelle Elia Johnson, Jose Isaac Johnson, Nicholas Johnson and Armando Johnson, Jr.; a few great nieces and great nephews and numerous extended family members and friends.


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