Daniel Everett Hirschler was born in Rochester, NY on March 11, 1942; to Vivian and Henry Hirschler; he passed peacefully in his sleep the morning of September 1, 2018; with his loving family beside him.
He was the 2nd of 7 children: John, DANIEL, Fred, Sue, Mary, Liz, & Joe. He had an eventful and tragic life as a child, losing his father at an early age. He overcame poverty and mistreatment of his Uncle after he left home at 16. He joined the United States Air Force in 1961 experiencing war and allowing him adventures in travel with the ability to complete his education. He was also selected for the 1970 Edition of “Outstanding Young Men of America”. During this time, he married his beautiful Wife, Connie in 1963 and combined raised 4 children: David, Denise, Debora & Dannette (Deceased).
He enjoyed bowling in his spare time; when he wasn’t working his multiple jobs and helping out raising his children by being a Coach for baseball in Belgium and a Cub Scout leader. He worked as a custodian, a desk clerk at a bowling alley and a bartender (our favorite). He gave his children the opportunity to see worldly places such as Paris, Holland, Italy and Spain, just to name a few.
There were 2 things that became a staple while they lived on Mills Ranch Drive. The 4th of July Breakfast BBQ before the parade which started out with just family and turned into a major social event where no one went hungry. And if any of you ever visited around Christmas time, he had that house decorated to the hilt. Lights were strung from roof top to the ground cover and for many years he dressed as Santa handing out candy canes to the cars that would stop by to take pictures and admire the beauty of it all. It was also a beacon in the foggy nights getting us home safely.
Once dad finally retired after 28 years of dedicated service rising to the rank of Sr. Master Sergeant for the Security Police Division in 1989; he couldn’t stay idle, so he started to work as a Service Technician for Sears Automotive department. He suffered from severe back pain and underwent surgery to correct the problem; but unfortunately, it was only a temporary fix as a 2nd surgery was needed. With these complications it became necessary for him to retire from Sears as well. This was great news for all his grandchildren. Both he and our mom were retired and started to enjoy their grandchildren on a daily basis – best childcare anyone can ask for. There was Egg Day, Cereal Day and oh yes homemade Tortilla day and let’s not forget the many McDonald adventures. They chauffeured the kids to and from school in style and attended school and sport functions cheering and clapping proudly.
With this retirement he was also able to take a few more trips with his Wife, Connie (Deceased). They went on a cruise to Mexico and traveled across country in a van multiple times to see his family back east, visiting Niagra Falls from the Canadian Side (the best view). They also enjoyed a leisurely road trip cruising along the coastal shores of California, Oregon and Washington.
He is survived by his brother John; his sister Liz; his son David and girlfriend Karen, grandson Rudy (great grandson Roman and great granddaughter Kaelynn); his daughter Denise and husband Jack, grandchildren: ManDee, Daniel (great granddaughter Jaycee) and Dale; his daughter Debora and husband Rich, granddaughter Danni and husband Tyler, (great grandsons Benjamin and Philo); and granddaughter Aliyah. Also, granddaughter in heart Krysta and husband Ricky. Amongst many nieces and nephews.