Jamie B. Morin was born on May 20, 1982 and was deceased on December 24, 2022. He was an elite Steamfitter-Pipefitter, Plumber, Gasfitter and Job Steward of UA Local 488 for 20 years before his untimely passing. He is survived by his Mother Lynette and his brothers Kevin and Trevor and his 3 nieces who loved him dearly. He was predeceased by his father, Real Morin, proud 50 year member of the UA, his Baba, and his beloved pets Rover and Tiger.
Jamie was an eccentric individual who played by his own rules when he could, strategically played by others' rules when he couldn't, and always had time to help someone else in need. He was a gentle spirit that couldn't be contained by anything.
When he wasn't braving harsh climates and fighting for better job conditions for him and his co-workers, Jamie loved finding adventure through travelling the world like his father before him. He enjoyed anything extreme and dangerous which was of great concern to his family, but he realized that life is finite, and you can't waste a second of it.
If he couldn't travel, he was an avid virtual reality enthusiast. Jamie effectively brought the world to himself through technology. He could race against the best drivers in the world this way, and often did, regularly beating professional drivers such as Lando Norris (Formula 1). This was an outlet wholeheartedly endorsed by his loving family who watched him post epic lap times against stiff online competition!
Jamie will be missed by his many remaining family members, Brothers and Sisters of the Union, and most importantly, by his Mother who was always there for us. Let his spirit, courage, and resilience live on through all of us.