Gary was survived by the love of his life his wife JoAnn and son Clayton, his brothers Robert, Richard (Denise) Ronald, sisters Shirley and Peggy. Gary’s two nephews James (Rose) and Aaron, great nieces Emma, Sarah and Madison (his angle and love of his life) Gary was predeceased by his parents Olga and John Deane and his two sister in laws Sally and Dolores.
Gary was born on August 8th, 1954 to Olga and John Deane of St. Albert. Gary attended school in St. Albert and St. Joseph High School in Edmonton. Gary went to St. Joseph High School to take an appliance servicing course which he was the most proficient student in this course.
Gary followed in his father’s footsteps and worked at the Bruin Inn as a server. He loved that job and all the people me met.
Gary started working at ALCB in 1972. Gary worked for ALCB/AGLC for 34 Years. Gary’s first worked in the St. Albert liquor store then moved to Head Office in Edmonton as an auditor in 1978. Gary worked his way up in the Audit Department and resigned on June 2, 1989. Gary was asked to come back the AGLC on March 7, 1996 for 8 weeks to help in the closing down of the BDL warehouse. Gary remained at AGLC until he retired on April 17, 2015. During Gary’s tenure with the AGLC he received many letters of recognition for perfect attendance.
Gary worked for UPS in 1990 delivering parcels and for Westfair Foods from 1990 to 1997 working in the evenings stocking shelves and had plans on pursuing a career in other areas of the company, unfortunately his injury from a car accident prevented him from continuing his employment with the company.
Gary was an avid blood donor and participated in the pheresis program where he could donate plasmas every two weeks. Gary had to stop donating when he became diabetic in December of 2002.
Gary married JoAnn Millar on August 16, 1997. Gary chose the date not realizing it was the 20th anniversary of Elvis’s death. We celebrated the 16th of every month as that was the date of our first date. Gary bought me a gift on the 16th of every month the first year we were dating. I still have the first gift he bought me a white teddy bear.
Gary loved to play sports: baseball, curling, hockey, golf, bowling, lawn bowling. Gary loved to watch his favorite sports teams; The Edmonton Oilers, Saskatchewan Roughriders, the Toronto Blue Jays. Gary attended many live games of all his favorite teams with his wife and son.
Gary loved to travel in the last few years, he took many cruises with his wife. Gary had plans on taking Madison on a cruise or to Mexico or some other destination so she could swim in the ocean before the pandemic hit. Gary loved to be anywhere there was an ocean and a beach. Gary loved to explore and see the sites when he went on his holidays. Fond memories were going to Cuba to play ball and beating the Cuban team. Golf trips with friends. Going to watch the Blue Jays in Seattle and Toronto. Taking Madison on trips to Calgary, Banff and to our seasonal site at Seba Beach or any lake in Alberta so she could go swimming.
Honorary urn bearers; Clayton Millar and Madison Deane
Canadian Diabetes Association220, 6233 2 Street Southeast, Calgary, Alberta T2H 1J5
Alberta Cancer Foundation c\o Provincial Office710 10123 99 Street Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 9Z9
Heart and Stroke Foundation (In Honour/In Memoriam))5241 Calgary Trail Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5G8