Anderson Munro, known to many as “Andy,” was an inspiring father, caring son, beloved brother, treasured uncle, cousin and nephew. He was a devoted friend, a dependable colleague, an intelligent leader, and a loving partner.
Andy was born on September 23, 1962 on the small island of Trinidad and Tobago to Cuthbert (deceased) and Ursula Munro. He and his older brother, Vaughn Munro migrated to the United States in June 1969 with their parents.
In 1982, Andy began his tenure serving in the United States Army Reserve. Three years later, he married his high school sweetheart, Marcia and out of that union, came their beloved children, Anderson and Allyssa.
In 1986, Andy was selected to join the NYPD Academy and swiftly climbed the ranks within. Concurrently, he earned a Bachelor’s of Science at St. Joseph’s College in Brooklyn, New York with high honors. Twenty years later, Andy retired as Lieutenant of Highway Patrol; then, proceeded to follow his passion for Accounting. He opened up his own firm, Metro Tax Solutions in Brooklyn, NY, which today serves over 1,600 people in the area.
Andy lived a meaningful and successful life. He enjoyed travelling to the Caribbean, swimming in the beautiful waters, and valued continuous learning. Andy will be missed and his legacy will live forever.
Andy is survived by his two children, Anderson and Allyssa Munro, his mother, Ursula Munro, his brothers Vaughn and Christopher Munro, his former spouse, Marcia Munro, his niece and nephew, Aisha and Shaabani Munro, and his companion Kenia (Kay) De La Cruz; and many other loving family, friends and acquaintances.