Luisa se crió en Matanzas, Jalisco. Se casó con Antonio Jiménez en 1954 y la pareja tuvo nueve hijos. Ella era una esposa y madre dedicada. Luisa era una ávida costurera y cocinera y utilizó esas cualidades para ayudar a criar a sus hijos. Sus enchiladas eran las favoritas de muchos de los peregrinos que hacían peregrinaciones anuales a Nuestra Señora de San Juan a pie.
En su tiempo libre, Luisa disfrutaba cantar, rezar y ayudar en todas las festividades de la iglesia. Era una mujer de gran fe y le encantaba compartir historias sobre los ejercicios espirituales y retiros en los que participó con alegría mientras vivía en Matanzas. Su familia y amigos siempre la recordarán como una persona amable, generosa y amorosa, una mujer de gran fe y amor al prójimo.
Le anteceden en la muerte sus padres, Juan Aguinaga y María Ortega, su hermano Felipe, sus hermanas Soledad, Amalia, Petra y Carmela, y su hijo Alfredo.
Le sobreviven su esposo, Antonio Jiménez, seis hijos y dos hijas, Antonio Jiménez, Carmen Murillo, Martín Jiménez, Isidro Jiménez, Mariano Jiménez, Rafael Jiménez, Juan Jiménez y Lili León, varios nietos, bisnietos y tataranietos.
A lo largo de su vida y especialmente en sus últimos años, soportó graves dolencias con mucha paciencia, confiando siempre en la voluntad de Dios. Su fe nunca flaqueó y permaneció gozosa, glorificando a Dios a través de las dificultades con cánticos y oraciones. Dios le concedió una muerte pacífica rodeada de sus hijos.
Luisa Aguinaga de Jimenez, age 85, passed away on December 6, 2021, in Dallas, Texas. She was born on June 25, 1936 to Juan Aguinaga and Maria Ortega.
Luisa was raised in Matanzas, Jalisco. She married Antonio Jimenez in 1954 and the couple had nine children. She was a dedicated wife and mother. She was an avid seamstress and cook and used those qualities to help raise her children. Her enchiladas were a favorite of many of the pilgrims that made yearly visits to Our Lady of San Juan by foot.
In her spare time Luisa enjoyed singing, praying and helping out with every festivity at the church. She was a woman of great faith and loved sharing stories about the spiritual exercises and retreats she joyously participated in while she lived in Matanzas. Her family and friends will always remember her as a kind, generous and loving person, a woman of great faith and love of neighbor.
She is preceded in death by both of her parents, Juan Aguinaga and Maria Ortega, her brother Felipe, her sisters Soledad, Amalia, Petra and Carmela, and her son Alfredo.
She is survived by her husband, Antonio Jimenez, six sons and two daughters, Antonio Jimenez, Carmen Murillo, Martin Jimenez, Isidro Jimenez, Mariano Jimenez, Rafael Jimenez, Juan Jimenez and Lili Leon, multiple grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren.
Throughout her life and especially in her final years, she endured severe ailments with great patience, always trusting in God’s will. Her faith never once faltered and she remained joyous, glorifying God through hardships with song and prayer. God granted her a peaceful death surrounded by her children.
A visitation for Luisa will be held Friday, December 10, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Gonzalez Funeral Home and Crematory, 3050 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75247. A Rosary will occur Friday, December 10, 2021 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, 3050 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, Texas 75247. A Mass of Christian Burial will occur Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at St. Monica Catholic Church, 9933 Midway Rd, Dallas, Texas 75220. An Interment will occur Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM at Calvary Hill Cemetery, 3235 Lombardy Lane, Dallas, Texas 75220.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Aguinaga family.