Époux de feu Evangeline McGrath, fils de feu Grace Arseneau et feu Frank Fugere.
Il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants; Hélène (Mark Vienneau), Brigitte (Sylvain Perron), Rita (Barry Brown), George, Linda (Shawn Arseneault), Gary (Crincle Greene), petits-enfants; Tessa (Marc André Duguay), Melissa (David Proulx), Ashley (Geoff Coulombe), Chloé, Alexandre et son frère Roland (Dora). Il a été précédé par ses parents, sa conjointe et sa soeur Betty Landry.
Les funérailles auront lieu à l'église St Jean Baptiste de Dalhousie, jeudi le 5 mars à 14 h 00.
Il n'y aura pas de visites au salon funéraire.
Les arrangements funéraires sont confiés aux funérailles de Maher, Dalhousie.
(506)789-1699 ou sans frais (855) 404-1699 courriel: maher.fh@nb.aibn.com
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of George Fugere Sr. on February 29, 2020.
Husband of the late Evangeline McGrath, son of the late Grace Arseneau and late Frank Fugere.
He is survived by his children; Helene (Mark Vienneau), Brigitte (Sylvain Perron), Rita (Barry Brown), George, Linda (Shawn Arseneault), Gary (Crincle Greene), grandchildren; Tessa (Marc André Duguay), Melissa (David Proulx), Ashley (Geoff Coulombe), Chloe, Alexandre and his brother Roland (Dora). He was predeceased by his parents, wife and sister Betty Landry.
Funeral Mass will be held at St Jean Baptiste Church in Dalhousie, Thursday March 5th at 2:00 p m.
There will be no visitations at the Funeral Home.
Funeral arrangements are in the care of Maher's Funeral, Dalhousie.
(506)789-1699 or toll free (855) 404-1699 email: maher.fh@nb.aibn.com