Beloved wife of the late Rodolphe “Roddy” Tremblay, lovingly remembered by her children, Monique (Frank), Art (Gisele), Rachelle (Andy) and Michelle (Graeme); her grandchildren, Brad (Teresa), Brittany (Chris), Matthew, Joshua, Jerrica (Nick), Emily (Jacob), Kelly (Simon), Sheena (Cory) and Samantha (Nick); her great-grandchildren Juliet, Lawson, Russell, Alex, Theo and Gibson; by her siblings Noella (the late Art), Leo (Cécile), the late Edward (late Bedine) and the late Felix (late Jacqueline) and by her in-laws, Gerard, Jackie, Elaine, Henri, Charlene, Jim, John, late Doria, late Ted, late Claire and the late Don.
Friends will be received at the M. John Sullivan Funeral Home, 341 Pitt Street, Cornwall, (across from city hall), 613-938-1039, on Thursday, May 18 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm and Friday, May 19 from 9 am until time of Memorial Service in the Funeral Home at 11 am.
Committal Notre Dame Cemetery.
Memorial donations to the Kidney Foundation appreciated.