Allison Riggs Small and husband BradDaughter and Son-In-Law
Adriane Riggs Lakin and husband Phil Jr.Daughter and Son-In-Law
Stephen Eric Riggs and wife HaleySon and Daughter-In-Law
Sarai Small Smith and husband ScottGrandchild
Christopher Small and wife BrigidGrandchild
Brooks LakinGrandchild
Alex LakinGrandchild
Cooper LakinGrandchild
Anna Claire RiggsGrandchild
Mary Allison SmallGreat Grandchild
Declan SmallGreat Grandchild
A. J. and Elsie RiggsParents (deceased)
Anna RiggsLoving wife (deceased)
Numerous other relatives and a host of friends.
Paul Andress
Peter Buenz
Mark Davis
Mike McDonald
Don Jensen
Dee Van Schoick
John Bodtmann
Bill Riggs Mineral Processing Scholarship Montana Tech Foundation, Butte, Montana 59701