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William Manning Cox and Fannie May Duskin CoxParents (deceased)

Joseph E. HassellLoving Husband of 66 years (deceased)

Frances M. CoxSister (deceased)

Rev. Joe HassellSon (deceased)

Joey MaddoxGrandson in Law (deceased)

Julie Hassell (Anne Rector)Daughter

Paula HassellDaughter-in-law

Elissa MaddoxGranddaughter

Jed Hassell (Leeann)Grandson

Berkley, Tyler, and Madison MaddoxGreat Grandchildren

Holley and Clara HassellGreat Granddaughters

Katherine YsseldykeFriend

Other surviving relatives include the families of Bill Rodgers, Dick Rodgers, Margaret Jones Winton (and Margaret’s daughter, Darby Ann Elsberry), Carl Cox, Jr. (and Carl’s daughter, Carla Cox Knight), Madelyn Buras, Bill Ed Cox, and Mary Louise Young.


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