As we honor our servicemen and women, I selected to interview a strong and courageous man. I am happy to share information to our readers so they too would know a little about him. His birth name is Eugene Jeter now 89 years old born on February 17, 1927 in the city of West Springs, South Carolina. He enlisted in the United States Army at the age of 19. He stated that the reason he joined the Army was because he didn't want to live with his sister and he wanted to be independent and able to take care of himself. How I respect Mr. Jeter that at a young age, he was making such major decisions for his life. There were six in Mr. Jeter's family, two sisters and three brothers.
Mr. Jeter was the only one that enlisted and served this country. He stated that he was so proud when he enlisted into the United States Army, he knew that was what he wanted to do. He ended up serving 25 years protecting our country. His rank upon retiring was Non-Commission E7. He was able to travel all over the world. He enjoyed learning how other countries lived and he also made many friends as he traveled abroad. He was proud to say that throughout his traveling to other countries he was treated with respect from his superiors. I suppose his superior could see that he was an honorable person and that he came with great insight and wisdom in whatever he had to do. Mr. Jeter is married to Linda and they have a blended family of six children. Linda is one that loves, respects, and appreciates her husband because he is a man that takes care of his family. He is an ordained minister who has preached the gospel to many people, and stretched his hands out helping and giving aid to others. He is known for serving his country and being a pillar in his own family. His ministry took him all over into many hospitals and visiting the shut-in praying for them. He was also the assistance pastor for New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Pomona some years ago.
He has something very special about him because he had a little pet Chihuahua dog now deceased, named Tinkerbell. This little dog would not let anyone come near him, if they did she would start barking, I can just imagine if his little dog could talk was saying, "Get Back he's all mine, I love him because he is so kind."
After retiring and serving25 years in the military, he took employment at the Boys Republic and worked there and retired after 21 years. The kids all loved him, his personality was one that showed love, patience and a passion to be there for the kid, yet strong and courageous for the military service.
Mr. Jeter has many titles and positions that he has experience such as being a Father, Husband, Non-Commission E7, Ordained Minister/Pastor, Friend to many, but the one that sums up all of Mr. Jeter is he is one of God's sons. Thank you for your service to this great country of our The United States of America."
Eugene was preceded in death by his brothers, Nehemiah Jeter of Seaside, CA and Samuel Jeter of Spartanburg, SC; sisters, Luvenia Jeter of Spartanburg, SC and Ida Jeter Huff of Charlotte, NC. He is survived by his wife, Linda Jeter; sister, Letha Jeter Williamson of Charlotte, NC; children, Larry Jeter, Jerry Jeter and Connie Jeter and step-children, Tavares Griffin, Ikeyda Griffin and Monique Shepherd.