The late Francesco and Francesca LombardoParents
The late Joseph V. CarloHusband
Vincent CarloSon
The late Sharon DiNello (Frank)Daughter
Ginny (Doug) YoungGrandchild
Elesha (Pete) HalkoGrandchild
Paula (Mick) CortGrandchild
Sam (Nicole) DiNelloGrandchild
Lhena (Brian) WalewskiGrandchild
Joe (Joanna) DiNelloGrandchild
D.J. (Alyssa), Frank, Alexa, Julia, Isabella, Franco, James, Matthew, Brock, Estella and VivienneGreat Grandchildren
LylaGreat Great Grandchild
Margaret (Richard) McRaeSister
Elizabeth (Tom) DominicClose Relative
Paula is preceded in death by her brothers Sam (Mary) Lombardo, Roy (Pat) Lombardo. She is also survived by many other loving nieces, nephews, family members and friends.