Extraordinary family patriarch, Eugene “Gene” Torgersen passed away at home Sunday Sept. 25th at 8:41pm in the care of his family. He is survived by ex-wife, partner and caretaker, Pamela J. Torgersen; daughter, Amanda Hannon; son-in-law, Scott Hannon; grandchildren, Zach and Zoey; son, Eric Torgersen; daughter-in-law, Jennifer Torgersen; grandchildren, Alyssa and Dylan; niece, Samantha Jo Heer and her husband Joe; and many loving cousins and lifelong friends who have become family.
Born in Chicago, Gene was a masterful accountant and loved working with numbers. Family was paramount in Gene’s life, and time spent with his loved ones was his greatest treasure. The network of love Gene has woven and number of lives he’s touched throughout his lifetime is remarkable, and he will be deeply loved and greatly missed by all who knew him.